Sunday, October 24, 2010

32 Emotional Train Wreck

Click picture for a better image. I really like this one guys! Like, I think it's my new favorite! In my opinion it's the best one I've done so far. STUPID PEOPLE: If you're confused go back and read #19.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

31 another dead thing

Click comic for better image. Sorry this one is so boring and sad, guys. I don't usually depict real-life scenarios in this comic, but this actually happened to me. And it made me really sad at the time. I'm pretty happy now though, I just got back from a meeting for my service trip to India that I'm really excited about. So yeah. Holy shit I can not draw hands.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

30 Dead Poet's Society Is Really Dead Now.

click comic for a clearer image. OMG my brother messed around with the format of this blog and I JUST TODAY FINALLY re-did all the HTML stuff. Thank you Dr. Miller for teaching me about HTML. If it weren't for you, I would be having a tantrum right now. Anyways: Yay! Back to good ol' homicide. The world has one less emo poet to deal with thanks to... the girl who's name we don't actually know, but people just assume her name is JAMZI cuz' that's the title of the comic! But jk, I love everybody <3

Sunday, October 3, 2010

29 Reasons to Leave

Click picture for clearer view. And that's why we're all happy she doesn't live with US. Lolz... chopsticks.