Monday, December 27, 2010

39 Lack of Humans


Click picture for better resolution. 1) These zombie children have made several appearances throughout the lifespan of JAMZI. 2) I think this is the first time Kitty has ever smiled. 3) My favorite panel is the seventh one because she looks like she's one of those old lady 'speed walkers' you see whenever you go on Town Lake. 4) CUL8R!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

38 Pares with Faces

Click picture for better quality. Dude, there's this corner store by my house that used to rip us off all the time. It really pissed me off. Now the Brother is best friends with the owner's son. Ah, life. Today my cat got stuck 100 feet up a tree and I had a major panic attack. it's all good now, though, thankfully. Otherwise my Christmas would have SUUUUCKED. See you later!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

37 Bisected

Click comic for a better quality image. I'm trying to figure out my new scanner so bare with me. Enjoy today's two for one comic deal. Not sure why MST3K has been on my mind so much. And just for the record I have nothing against Tom Servo. He's like, the least annoying out of all of them. I had a great weekend feeding the homeless with my two guest appearances from #34. I lurv you guys. (ps I doubt if this is necessary but just in case; I don't own MST3000 blah blah blah) see you next Monday! : D

Monday, December 6, 2010

36 Sardines

Click comic for better image. Sorry for the crappy weird quality. I'm trying to use my Mac scanner. I'm happy that those two are reunited. Or, were... until the last few panels.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

35 The Return of Kitty

Click the comic to make all your visual JAMZI dreams come true. Hi! Yeah, I didn't forget about you. India was amazing I had a great time. I spent some time this week building up an enormous stock pile of 4 new JAMZIs. Don't worry. Death and destruction is right around the corner. ENJOY!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

34 Special Appearances

Click picture for a better image. Enjoy today's comic with special appearances by Tess and Rowan. I'm going to India on Thursday so I'm not sure what's going to happen with JAMZI while I'm gone. I'll see if I can get The Brother to upload them for me, but if not, I might have to skip a week.

Monday, November 1, 2010

33 Crepes

Click the picture for a clearer image. Galletes are savory crepes but ignorant people call them crepes anyway. Ignorant people like Kitty and Cyrus. I figure Gloria's a little more classy, though. Is it weird that I kind of picture Gloria as the 'Gypsy' (from MST3000) of the bunch? PS I hope you guys are less confused now.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

32 Emotional Train Wreck

Click picture for a better image. I really like this one guys! Like, I think it's my new favorite! In my opinion it's the best one I've done so far. STUPID PEOPLE: If you're confused go back and read #19.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

31 another dead thing

Click comic for better image. Sorry this one is so boring and sad, guys. I don't usually depict real-life scenarios in this comic, but this actually happened to me. And it made me really sad at the time. I'm pretty happy now though, I just got back from a meeting for my service trip to India that I'm really excited about. So yeah. Holy shit I can not draw hands.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

30 Dead Poet's Society Is Really Dead Now.

click comic for a clearer image. OMG my brother messed around with the format of this blog and I JUST TODAY FINALLY re-did all the HTML stuff. Thank you Dr. Miller for teaching me about HTML. If it weren't for you, I would be having a tantrum right now. Anyways: Yay! Back to good ol' homicide. The world has one less emo poet to deal with thanks to... the girl who's name we don't actually know, but people just assume her name is JAMZI cuz' that's the title of the comic! But jk, I love everybody <3

Sunday, October 3, 2010

29 Reasons to Leave

Click picture for clearer view. And that's why we're all happy she doesn't live with US. Lolz... chopsticks.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

28 Matches

Click comic to make it aaaall better. Uhg. Dexter is on tonight and I don't have Showtime. Dexter is my second favorite fake serial killer. I don't have a favorite REAL serial killer because those guys actually kill REAL people and that is just messed up.

Monday, September 20, 2010

27 bathtubs

Happy JAMZI day! Click comic for a better image of it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

26 Shrapnel

Click comic for better image. Oh god, what have I done? I wrecked her house! I was not expecting this to happen, people. See you next Monday!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

25 Tornado Insurance Needed

Click the comic to see a better view of it. Hey, I'm really digging these black borders, people, they make me feel all... serious... in an artistic way. It's like that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you hug a puppy, only serious-er. PS I suck at drawing clouds apparently. PPS I drew that circle in the middle with a compass. Just thought you should know.

Monday, August 30, 2010

24 Boring Zombie Children

Click comic to clarify it. I was bored when I drew this one. Plus, BLACK BORDERS! Weren't expecting that, were you? They look nice but they take forever to draw.

23 Art

Click the comic to make it clear. Something inspired me to draw this one, but I forgot what it was.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

22 Crossbow

Click the comic for a clearer image of it. Ok this one is definitely up there with my favorites. Plus I drew it on the plane and the guy sitting next to me kept trying to peek at it so I shielded his vision with my arm. Then he asked me if I was 'published' and he told me that his nephew drew comics. Apart from smelling like cigar smoke mixed with perfume, he was pretty good company. I was kind of ashamed to show him the last panel, so I put it away before he could ask.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

21 I Love You

Here you go guys. I'm already making another one. One with like, a crossbow and stuff... Post it when I get back from North Carolina! : D bye again.

Friday, July 16, 2010

20 rats

wow, I've written 20 of these? There is something seriously wrong with me. Maybe I should start winding down.

Friday, July 2, 2010

19 awkward conversation

click to de-fuzzify. And careful. You might cry when you read this one. PS: Plot Development!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

18 Bottle Rockets

click to de-fuzzify. I guess that's why they call them convenience stores. HAHAHA! not funny

Friday, June 4, 2010

17 Big Kitteh

click to make clear. Want red ink. REDRUM... lolz.

16 Churros

click to make clear. DEEEWD! I love the last panel. Every time I'm sad I just look at it and I feel so much better. The neighbor guy is so cute for a badly drawn 2-demensional human. But he has churros so that's ok. I used to eat churros when I went to Mexico. Then my dad told me not to 'cuz they are unhealthy : (

15 The Past

click to make clear. Poor little mass-murderer! Out on the world all alone! : (

Sunday, May 30, 2010

14 mutilated carrots

click the comic to de-fuzzify. All-time favorite so far!

13 Piercings

if the comic is fuzzy, just click on it. She must be e-mo!

12 cats

the comic is fuzzy. Click it to resolve this problem. This is one of my least favorites so far. It's completely pointless.

11 Cafe Fail

click the cafe to clarify comic. No idea where the breast implants thing came from. Seriously, no idea.

10 Cafe Thingy

if you click the comic strip, the image will be crisp and clear. Die lazy-eye-news-lady, die.

9 cups of Ramen

click to clarify the comic. This is my favorite page so far. It's romantic and disturbing.

8 News people

click to clarify. uuuuhg. Her lazy eye disturbs me...

7 Costumes

click for a clearer view. I need to do more larger drawings like these. The detail is fun.

6 squash

if you click on the comic your vision will clear. WAY too many before/after panels in this one.

5 Pig House

click to rid your eyes of fuzziness. Sometimes I think I should draw these in black AND red.

4 I blame you

click pic to clarify comic. Cliff hanger OMG!!! : O

3 Smelly Pit

click the pic to clear the comic.

2 La Luna Grande

Hey what do you know, it's still fuzzy. I have a feeling that all sideways things are fuzzy in this blog world. No worries, just click here and all your problems will vanish. SPOILER!: Someone dies.

1 Cyrus

It's fuzzy. If you click it, the fuzz will go away. Yay for drawing panels without a ruler!